Finding good coffee

Coffee Roast

A review site dedicated to specialty coffee, providing comprehensive assessments and details on various specialty coffee brands and beans. It's a go-to resource for those who want to explore and learn about unique coffee flavors and the subtleties that different specialty coffees offer. More information can be found at

Coffee Review

Offers thorough reviews and educational content about coffee, including a guide to selecting high-quality coffees. It's particularly valuable for understanding coffee ratings and discovering exceptional coffees through their extensive review database. More information can be found at


This site delivers in-depth reviews, guides on brewing methods, and discussions on the latest coffee gear, catering to coffee enthusiasts looking to enhance their knowledge and skills.

More information can be found at

Full Coffee Roast

Provides information on coffee beans, brewing methods, and coffee equipment reviews. This site supports coffee novices and cafe owners alike in enhancing their coffee offerings and knowledge.

Third Wave Kiosk

Specializes in specialty coffee and offers detailed insights into coffee beans, roasting, and equipment reviews, making it ideal for those deeply interested in the specifics of coffee sourcing and preparation processes.

I made this page to share my love as coffee and for my Adult Ed coding class